
Yesterday I listened to the audiobook of your version of Dante's Inferno which you called Gynferno.

You nailed it dude, some bits had me laughing my ass off. You defnintley put the comedy back into The Divine Comedy.

Best bit for me was when your Sandman-like character leaves and says "And cheeers."


@UncleIroh @Lorgar Just reading this and knowing nothing else about it has convinced me to add it to my list. Looking forward to hearing it.


@RoninGrey @Lorgar

It's a fun listen. Be interested to hear your what you think.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey I'm working on the next story. The sinking of the Welfaranic! But it's taking a long time. This one will be a critic of society.
For Gynferno, my favorite part is Lust, the most horrible one is Greed and the most philosophical one is Pride. TFM helped me a lot for those ones.

@Lorgar @RoninGrey

Nice. I'll keep an eye out for when you drop the next one.

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