@Stahesh Story old as time. Man invents machine to make woman happy. Woman not happy.

@redmaple @Stahesh Hypergamy means women cannot, biologically, be happy or content. It's by design. They are the definition of temporary, everything is fleeting.

@Zeb @redmaple They seek the end of infinity but there is always +1.

Like wanting to reach end of endless path.


@Stahesh @Zeb @redmaple

I fully support this guy's creativity, a good use of his time and intellect. He just needs improve the next version by introducing random wait times.

There was a guy years ago who wrote a whole bunch of scripts to automate all the bullshit office drudgery whle he kicked back and played games. I fully support this.


There was another famous one even before this but I can't find it. The repo is on github somewhere.

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