@UncleIroh I'd end up in very Rural Canada if it wasn't so cucked and gay.


On paper Canada looks good, but it's one of the worst shitshows around.

@UncleIroh Absolutely. There's pretty much no good option. Russia perhaps is a place. However exfiling there, keeping wealth while doing so, and having to navigate language/massive amounts of corruption/different culture is also not good.

@UncleIroh Oh yes, Africa will have abundant water in 25 years. Very believable, rabbi statista *wink wink*


That's a retarded take. Those central African countries are tropical and equatorial - they have natural renewable internal freshwater resources like rivers, lakes and rainfall. Jews didn't make it up ffs. Get a grip, it's checkable.

@UncleIroh I don't doubt the country has water. I'm doubting the people's ability to use it properly based on past history.
But it's ok, we'll check back in 25 years and I hope they turn it around.

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