Which youtube channel in your opinion, is the most effective controlled opposition?

Most, if not all, "counter-culture" youtubers are controlled opposition, or else they wouldn't be allowed on the platform. Talmud Tim Pool, double boosted Memology, etc.
Another such case is Razorfist, a known grifter who promoted the "trust the plan" con back in 2020 and who still shills for Trump and Jews to this day. He's so pathetic that he stopped saying "God Fucking Speed" because youtube doesn't let him.



By sheer audience reach and influence it has to be Dim Fool for me.

His constant running interference for Zionists is nauseating enough, but what pisses me and most people off is how he constantly berates the little man for not having the courage to take a stand even if they lose their job, yet all he does is dance like a slave and say "yes massah" for YouTube.

He can suck a choad.

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