Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day.

On this day, May 22nd 2010, László Hanyecz bought 2 pizzas from Papa John's in Florida for 10,000 bitcoins.

Back then that was about $41.
Today that's about $690,833,600


@UncleIroh bitcoin used as currency is what it was supposed to be, but what we have now is just bitcon as a form of market item of investor speculation but nobody is using it as currency

@37712 @UncleIroh
It fails as a currency in every important aspect it needed to: no portability, no security, no privacy, high transaction cost and intrinsic counterparty risk.

It's a great speculative asset though because it has inbuilt insane volatility.

@Zeb @UncleIroh if ppl wanted to be serious about using bitcoin they would need to move over and start using Monero


@37712 @Zeb

I'm seeing that happen more and more. Monero's under a full on multi-government attack right now and it's holding up well.

Exchange delistings, the closing down of the p2p site LocalMonero, it's happening right now.

And since the arrest of the Samourai wallet founders, lots of btc maxis are rethinking.

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