Looks like Judeo Christian shill Alex Jones agrees with TFM, they will try to assassinate Donald Trump! Why?
Who cares?

According to Alex, Trump is God's gift to us mortals. I have to agree to some extent, Trump was quite the gift, as he did convince a lot of these idiots to get vaccinated, so there's that.



My prediction: Trump will "technically" win like he did last time, but still "lose" somehow.

Whether it's assassination or total deep state coup doesn't matter, he won't take office either way. That's my take.

@UncleIroh Ok, but why? Any outcome is possible, even something like a random assassination attempt. What I'm looking for is a logical explanation. Why wouldn't Jews want Trump to win? Or why would they want him assassinated? And if it's the Democrats behind the assassination attempt (uh-huh), why wouldn't their masters simply bribe them to accept defeat, like they do with Reps?

If they want conservatives to fight WW3, they need Trump. If they want to let the economy crash, they need Trump.



The entire deep state is absolutely massive, numbering in the millions, and they all face a very real existential threat in Trump. Especially the intelligence sector.

The billionaire Zionist donor class will hold their nose and throw him money and influence, but in a death-match between these 2 camps, deep state vs zionism, I don't fancy zionists chances. Their interests overlap but don't always align.


Javier Milei's example is instructive here and one reason to keep watching his progress. He's also facing a huge and powerful system of deep state corruption that has been embedded for decades, and he's not out of the woods yet by any means.

He is at the center of many ongoing plots, but if he cuts too deeply at the flow of corrupt money and power he'll likely end up dethroned or dead.

He also might just be a performing monkey. We'll see.

@UncleIroh If he wasn't a performing monkey, he wouldn't act like one and immediately convert to Judaism, bawl his eyes out at their wall, cut ties with Brics and bend over to America.


You'll get no argument from me about that. As far as I'm concerned Milei is the newest prototype Globo-Zio leader to be released on the market.

I'm just waiting to see how it all shakes out and that's going to take a full term at least.

@UncleIroh If there was a giant deep state that wasn't mostly controlled by Israel, how in the world would their interests be aligned with Israel's to this extent? They've destroyed their own empire, America has no future and it was all completely avoidable. The only group that benefited from US' countless suicidal decisions, was Israel, plus Russia and China now. If this American, non-zionist deep state exists, they're either retarded (don't buy it), or they're owned by China/Russia.


Because whether we're talking about employees of the NSA, DOJ, IRS, Education Department, judiciary, or just a no-name journalist working for some Progressive rag, a Trump victory means no job. He threatens their livelihood, mortgages, kids dental plan, etc..

That's life and death. It's a pretty big motivator to pull out all the stops and play dirty as hell to make sure he doesn't take office. They don't have to all be zionists.

@UncleIroh Then, if these employees are such an issue, why wouldn't the banker class just bribe them? If zionists want Trump, he'll get in.

And are you calling these people the "deep state"? If they're concerned about their livelihood and making ends meet, then they're not the deep state. And in that case then yes, they don't have to be zionists, they just have to be dependent on the system to work for Jews. The deep state is Israel.


I see, we have different definitions for the deep state.

The millions of government employees that all hate Trump and are threatened by his victory ARE the deep state. There are levels to this. Yes, the military and three letter agencies wield the most power and have the blackest budgets, but when it comes down to it, we're still just talking about people with families and financial obligations.

The deepest state was always Israel, yes.


More clearly, the deep state is anyone willing to use their power to steal your vote. It doesn't matter what that power is or how limited it is.

They can be one of the few grand strategists, a billionaire funder, or one of the many millions of low-level operatives.

That could be the DNC volunteer mom who registers thousands of dead voters, the illegal who's paid $250 to drop off a few boxes of votes at 2am or the FBI agent who enjoys fucking with your life.

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