Looks like Judeo Christian shill Alex Jones agrees with TFM, they will try to assassinate Donald Trump! Why?
Who cares?

According to Alex, Trump is God's gift to us mortals. I have to agree to some extent, Trump was quite the gift, as he did convince a lot of these idiots to get vaccinated, so there's that.



@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist

The plain truth is that there hasn't been a non-Zionist President for close to a century and that's not going to change any time soon.

When Israel goes at around the same time as the boomers all die, that might change. Might.

Here's some encouraging news from Judge Nap/Scott Ritter about just how fucked Israel really is: youtube.com/watch?v=Pqp7Ddoiry

@UncleIroh @Zeb @Based_Accelerationist They Will stage a Donald Trump assesination with a headwound Donald Trump this August 4th in Ohio. The Will declare him death but still he be back like Jesus to run For President.

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