
Bitcoin being prepped as reserve currency.

I've now heard 2 podcasts make the case, the Whitney Webb one is particularly good.

They better pray Goldman Sachs and Blackrock don't decide to dump all their etfs and bitcoin all at once to crash the market and make the dollar look good.


The case they're making is that USD remains as currency while bitcoin and stablecoins serve as the underlying commodity along the same lines as the petrodollar.

Currently it's being used to gobble up US debt and treasuries as an alternative bolt-hole to export inflation, mostly across North & S American fintechs, something like $130B and climbing.

@Zeb It would be the dumbest thing they ever did. The USD can't be saved.

@UncleIroh If everyone stops paying their taxes, or dollar collapses how else are the deep state faggots going to get paid?


Deep state faggots run the whole shadow-banking show. They don't need our chump change.

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