I was listening to the show from last night, and I don't understand something that TFM was saying: I don't understand the logical leap made from what is currently happening to BRICS will fall to the West.

If I understand correctly (correct me if I'm wrong), because Russia hasn't dropped the hammer on Ukraine and because the western media is talking openly about tactical nukes and how Iran is smart for not attacking Israel, therefore the non-west will not retaliate and surrender.

Furthermore, why does it matter what the media is saying, even if the media is an accurate reflection of the Regime's thoughts on the state of the world?

They're effectively a wife telling her friends that she wears the pants in the relationship. Who cares what she says? Who pays the bills in this analogy: Who still has the economic and strategic advantage right now? BRICS.

I hope someone can explain this because I don't know what I'm missing with why TFM took this angle.


It came across to me as a combination of petulance and "you didn't listen to me and now it's all ruined so you're just cowardly cucks." As if calling them chicken will provoke them into action.

I'm on board with most of his geopolitical descriptions, i.e. that this is in some fundamental sense a war of American empire vs BRICS, a resource war in other words, but in my opinion his atheism also makes him blind to an entire class of analysis based in metaphysics, ethics and ontology.


Those non-material claims are in essence father to the material actions we see played out in current theaters of war.

Israel is the perfect example. Their batshit crazy actions are only made clear when viewed through their metaphysical/ontological claims to their Divine right to genocide.

The nearly 1 million settlers in the West Bank even call themselves Judaea, and they wield significant political influence.

Alastair Crooke, a repeat guest on Judge Nap understands this.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD
Expanding to that, religion also explains the Ukranian war:

Israel wants to kill/sacrifice most slavs and goyim in Ukraine by throwing them against Russia so they reclaim their european homeland which the soviet union eventually confiscated.

TFM is right that the regime never dreamed they would lose so badly the war against Russia and now, they are scared shitless that Putin might actually have balls to completely take over their country. Putin might be a jew though...


@Zeb @DoubleD

Mostly agree, except the "Putin is a Jew" part.

The Ukraine war has a massive blood-libel grudge backstory involving Khazars and Orthodox Christianity going back centuries.

It's no coincidence that Victoria Nuland has ancestral ties to Ukraine and bears a deep commitment to hatred towards native Russians.

If only we had an authorized English translation of "200 years together" by Solzenitsyn, more people would understand these underlying currents.

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