@Tfmonkey Natural gas isn't doing anything, and yet you still won't admit that you were PROVEN wrong about it. Destiny beat your ass in debate and so you sulk like a loser. You should move into a van in case things get bad. That way you can just drive away. Oh wait, I forgot that you don't do anything yourself that you prescribe to others, and that you're a 40 year old virgin. Never killed anyone in the navy either, just pushed pencils. Like a puss.

@VanGuy @Tfmonkey wow dud why are you so pissed off, did you loose a lot of money on nat gas or something? How has TFM destroyed your life?


@37712 @Tfmonkey TFM has been PROVEN wrong about natural gas because he's an idiot. Why can't he just admit his fault?

Sand in his vagina, that's why.

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