@Tfmonkey Jesus Alex and all these hosts have no idea what they are talking about... wow that woman is a bitch. Do you have a debate between you and Wheat Waffles??? I can't stand him

@VeganBob I don't really have a beef with black pillers. I think they obsess too much about trying to get laid and they need to just let it go and figure out something else to do with their life.

There is more to life than pussy.


@Tfmonkey You haven't debated him? Also, it doesn't sound like MGTOW is catching on Alex has no idea lol. Tell him what Palimony is. It is alimony without the marriage...

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@Tfmonkey you never debated Wheat Waffles sans Bitch and Chad pro???

@VeganBob no, I don't follow the "black pill" guys. I remember a guy called "Face LMS" but they all basically say the same thing.

Again, I don't have a problem with them. If they want to focus on improving themselves to get laid, they're basically the mirror-opposites of PUAs, but focused on "looks maxing" instead of "game".

Who gives a shit? Just get a doll!

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