@Tfmonkey boy this debate was something ! this lady was trying hard to convince you to get back to the plantation lool 🤣 🤣

@Tfmonkey @lordNemesis @Tfmonkey @lordNemesis Glad someone called it out. Wheat laughed really loud, too, since it's obvious she's just marketing the whole time. Even to you.

Damn, woman, didn't you know that no means no? She'd roofie you and you'll wake up feeling just fine but with her book in your hands and less money in your wallet.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey thinking the same; also; women are the biggest hypocrite and not even realizing what they are saying:
women having dildos and sybians is fine but a guy with a sexdoll is creepy.. tired of that BS.

@Tfmonkey @lordNemesis for the price of 30 dollars, you can finally become a man, by reading my book. Enter the code "Who Hurt You" to receive a 10% percent discount.

@theFlow @lordNemesis the author even said that "game" will protect you from being divorced.

There are PUA coached in jail for "rape" (not real rape, but current year "rape"). "Game" is snake oil.

@Tfmonkey Her counter arguments were just as predictable, as the next ‘trad con female’ discussing red/black pill topics. Your discussion with her, was just as bad as rollo’s discussion with Jedediah Bila

@Tfmonkey Just watched it live after catching up, you were way too nice, but I guess you can't go hard on a panel like that and make friends. Just to let you know, I was in live chat and you def had haters but surprisingly there were many people agreeing with you. You lost people on the sex doll stuff, but then when you talked about anything else people were back with you for the most part. Yep, you had haters, but you won over several after you talked about your mom and relationships I saw it..

@UnpopularOpinion @Tfmonkey I found that when he talked about his mom people just brushed off all his arguments & said he needed to go to therapy. Typical straw man bs so they don’t actually have to engage with his argument.

@Tfmonkey Very good panel and discussion. I wish WW had spoken up a bit more. I love how Kezia talked about "love" being the highest value that everyone on the panel wanted. That's the female hierarchy of value. Having a family used to be the self-actualization men achieved.

But I do give him credit for having you on and I think the topics discussed were a lot more than what would've been discussed if it was just the others.

@Tfmonkey When will you be having a discussion with Destiny?

@theFlow Probably never, but I will talk to anyone in good faith.

@Tfmonkey Jesus Alex and all these hosts have no idea what they are talking about... wow that woman is a bitch. Do you have a debate between you and Wheat Waffles??? I can't stand him

@VeganBob I don't really have a beef with black pillers. I think they obsess too much about trying to get laid and they need to just let it go and figure out something else to do with their life.

There is more to life than pussy.

@Tfmonkey You haven't debated him? Also, it doesn't sound like MGTOW is catching on Alex has no idea lol. Tell him what Palimony is. It is alimony without the marriage...

@Tfmonkey you never debated Wheat Waffles sans Bitch and Chad pro???

@VeganBob no, I don't follow the "black pill" guys. I remember a guy called "Face LMS" but they all basically say the same thing.

Again, I don't have a problem with them. If they want to focus on improving themselves to get laid, they're basically the mirror-opposites of PUAs, but focused on "looks maxing" instead of "game".

Who gives a shit? Just get a doll!

@Tfmonkey just watched it myself. It’s insane how many people just spout the whole “man up and get back in the plantation” nonsense (these guys were smart to sugar coat it but that’s essentially what they were saying). Really goes to show how little fucks society gives about men. The pua’s (kezia & Alex) at the panel were literally just trying to sell their courses using anecdotes & emotional appeals.


That was a good temperature-take on the current manosphere, and funny too. Funniest thing was that in a room full of gym-bros, it was the 3ft hairy MGTOW chimp that got the token woman's panties wet.

Hilarious to watch Kezia display all the typical female choosing signals when you were talking.

Appreciate the grind.

@UncleIroh I didn't even notice that until you said it. Once you go ape, there's no escape I guess.

@Tfmonkey It's real simple - you have Big-Zero-Fucks energy vs Alex "WhiteKnight" energy.

The guy that pulls her hair and calls her a pet wins. It's all so hilarious.

@Tfmonkey No match for TFMonkey in a Debate,but she will be following you from now on she was intrigued.

TFM:I wasn't prepared. Also TFM, here's my chart.

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