Some people think I'm anti-abortion. I'm not.

I'm all about murdering parasitic people who threaten my lifestyle, and selling their organs and body parts to make cosmetics. That's just the free market working it's magic.

@Tfmonkey I've read in "Freakonomics" Levitt and Dubner that abortion, in a certain demographic, showed a marked decrease in misdemeanor crimes in areas where they were prevalent. The explanation was that the children who would normally be born into an environment that fosters criminal behavior were aborted and 16-18 years later when they would have been young adults; they didn't exist. Crime rate reflected this by falling precipitously.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey A conservative group actually ran a study and found that this was not true. The women that had abortions were highly educated because they had the money to afford an abortion. This is why we need taxpayer funded abortion because it is the trashy people can't afford abortion...

@VeganBob @sardonicsmile I highly doubt a conservative group funded a study to promote taxpayer funded abortions. I'm calling absolute bullshit.


@Tfmonkey @sardonicsmile the last part was my idea but the part about educated women having abortions is true according to the study... "Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime?" Journal of Human Resources, 2003, 38(1), pp. 1–37

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@VeganBob @sardonicsmile poor people forgo abortions because of WELFARE and CHILD SUPPORT, not because abortions aren't free.

Cut their welfare and they'll stop having babies they can't afford. This isn't rocket science.

We literally proved this with African food aid. We gave poor people food so they wouldn't starve and their population exploded and . . . they were still poor, except now they had twice at many kids.

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