
just fyi:
- bolsheviks = jews
- troskists = jews
- marxists = jews
- social gospel = jews(yep, look into it)
- frankfurt school = jews
- cultural marxism = jews
- banking, education, media, entertainment, porn, government... = jews

How did it take you this long to figure out that it was the jews all along


@37712 @Tfmonkey Literally Christianity Is Jew cock sucking Religion look The Evagelicans that worship The choocen ones AKA The Jews. AND their Biggest ICON Is a Hippie JEW nailed to a Crux you can't be More cucked in a Religion than that.

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@VeganMGTOW @37712 @Tfmonkey No. Heretics that claim to be Christians suck jew cock. The russians removed so many jews from my native city they were rendered from 46% (50000) of the populus in 1903 to to 1.4% (10000) today. Russians were pretty Christian during the Tsar era. Thats before Nick the cuck let his wife be fucked by a monk.

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