A challenge for any who would say "There is no God":

explain butter.

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW - eh, perhaps... 🤔 but butter is the only condiment(?) that can make any dish better. It can be added to sweet things, or savory things, with equal improvement. 💪😎

@Stahesh @YoMomz Literally our bodies use sugar as it primary source of Energy Is like saying stoves are addictive to gas cause that Is what stoves use to work I don't deny that Is More healthy to eat The sugar with fiber like in fruits AND grains but there isn't nothing wrong if you drink something sugary sometimes The doze make The (Poisson= Fish in french)

@VeganMGTOW @YoMomz
The doze make the poison is true.

Our main source of sugar was from animals thx to Gluconeogenesis

For long times humans had acces to fruits and plants during season

So they had time to not suffer the consequences of modern diet.

I do not see reason to stop it entairelly rather limit it in our diet.

Many products have at least 7+g of sugar per 100g

From this is 4-15% sugars fermented in to alcohol

and this is reason why many people suffer diabetes and NAFLD

@VeganMGTOW @YoMomz I personally enjoy carbs/sugars like fruits, pizza, fries/chips, ice cream even alcohol.

But if I do not check my diet my body will suffer.


@Stahesh @YoMomz Ice Cream AND Pizza contains Dairy thefore Estrogens

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