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The Jews Will Flee to Argentina and Japan

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My guess is some Ashkenazi Jews plan to exterminate a large percent of the gentiles in Ukraine and then move to their Khazarian homeland in Ukraine

@shortstories The Question is. Is Russia Will be OK having Those people as neighbors?

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW

It seems obvious to me that this has always been part of their goal.

Khazars will never let go of that dream.

@Indignation Nice if the Land of Israel gets depleted the houthies should be the ones that claim it cause they were the real "Supporters of GOD"

@VeganMGTOW What if Israelis brought millions of Indians before they flee 😂😂

@Indignation More meat For the meat grinder it doesnt matter pajeets reproduce like cockroaches their numbers won't be affected.

But a more an interesting question if Israel don't exist anymore the dualcitizens For them would be US and the country they Flee? Or we won't able to see the dualcitizens stuff anymore.

@VeganMGTOW Jews will still have their influence. Next time they will colonize a country will less “resistance and hostility” probably somewhere in Africa (Madagascar)

@Indignation that guy die with his Legs crossed???? Ummm that doesnt seen legit

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