@VeganMGTOW holy shit dud your brain is fuckin fried, just go back to eating your bugs.

@37712 Aleast this one Will stay here when it happens I Will have the final laugh


If you do not like hurricanes and tsunamis move away from the coast

If you do not like water shortage move away from the desert

This leaves regions near lakes but far away from Oceans and Seas to live

In the USA there are plenty of places in the midwest that fit that drecription and all of them are politically better than New York, California, Texas and Florida that are all super communist Democrats and or super zionist Republicans

@shortstories They are planning explote a bomb ir several bomba near the coast of NYC to create an artificial tsunami


First New York is politically bad

Second they create fake disasters to ruin people's lives there

Why would any person in their right mind choose to live there anymore

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW its mostly a hive of degenerates, poor people and stupid people
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