
Guy I have an epiphany what if heart me out since the Lefties are figthing the Jews cause the GAZa stuff the white Supremacist show to the Lefties females that 19th amendment was a Jew plot to decrece births so there Will be less Americans to defend Palestines from the Jews invasion.

So maybe convice the females that shouldn't have the right to vote and start having more babies SO they can fight The Jews because if nobody have babies the evil Jews will invade others Middle East countries

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And what will you do when they say the holocaust was bad and it is bad to call Jews evil becajse that will result in another holocaust

@shortstories Well is going to see witch Holocaust is worst For the Lefties the GAZa one or the German one in that case I can't answer cause only the Lefties can tell witch one is the worse For them

@VeganMGTOW "Convice the females"

See, that's the flaw right there.

The females don't actually care about Palestine, no one does, they care about status and shoes, you're not going to convince them to take away their privileges.

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