I'll never understand why so many men fantasize about women as companions/equals. Isn't it much more fun to dominate them? Do you really need another person to hold your hand and protect you, or is it better to have someone at home cleaning, knitting and making dinner?

Sure, she won't sacrifice herself for you. So what? Maybe you shouldn't sacrifice yourself for her either, unless she's carrying your kids. Women are fine the way they are. Why did men screw it up by giving them equal rights?

@Based_Accelerationist I've asked this question before, and I had real-life examples to look to. They were all heavy TV watchers. The kind who get home, turn the TV on, and don't turn it off until they're going to bed.

@Mongoliaboo Interesting, I wonder what the men who gave women rights before the TV was invented, were doing all day lol.

But yeah, it must have something to do with not wanting to perform traditional masculine functions. Just like how feminine guys are sometimes attracted to more masculine girls. Perhaps it's a way for the species to regulate it's sexual dimorphism, depending on the environment.


@Based_Accelerationist @Mongoliaboo The were the Christian but the most Evil ones TFM called them something Gospel don't Remember Exactly the name of the branch of Christianity but Christians were the first one that allow woman learn how to read so yeah before TV was Christianity

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@VeganMGTOW The Social Gospel movement. It's absolutely the tipping point for America. It had to be stopped there, or there would be no stopping it ever.

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