@ButtWorldsMan I feel like the jews can't make up their mind on who to elect next "election".
Are they trying to put Big Mike back in?

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan They're trying to turn Trump into a martyr. Trump didn't get so many blind followers because of what he did as a President (that's actually what turned off his voters), people believe in him because the establishment pretends to hate him. Remember, this isn't about the election (that outcome is already decided), it's about getting the religious Right to fight WW3 when Trump tells them to.

@Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan
If that really is their plan, it's quite genius. From what I see, it has a 70% chance of working.
They just need to hold off the civil war long enough.


@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan They are planning a headwound on Donald Trump this August 4th fake and gay declare death and return after 3 Days.

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