@Tfmonkey bro, you are saying there will be blood if they do lockdown cuz of bird fly. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

THE great depression happened, the government took the gold, they banned alcohol, they left the people without food cuz EUROPE NEEDED MORE! the American civil war was THE outliner of the peasants.

and the south was the last remaining of the will to freedom. and they lost. at this point, nothing will happened. the only ay blood will be seen, its if you cut down the power.


@RodrickSage Agreed TFM doesnt know that All Those guns in the civilian population that he think going to something Is just For larping Remember that most of Those guns Is owned by Boomers they don't care they rather be a slave and keep the system running cause they deoend of it to survive they won't do anything agaisnt a tyranical Goverment

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