Your rights didn't come from God, nor were they granted to you from the government.

Your rights are a formalization of what you are willing to kill and die for.

If you're willing to kill and die for something, no matter how absurd, it will be recognized as a right.

If you're unwilling to kill or die for the rights your ancestors killed and died for, then expect those rights to be taken away from you.

No piece of paper or judge can protect you from your own cowardice and weakness.

@Tfmonkey Nah you are just bitter cause You destroy your health by following a ketardation Diet and soon You Will be depending from others to keep living. Just ADMIT it TFM you became the thing You haré the most and that is Your karma.


@ToyotaTime Sometimes You need to be harsh to people to get your advice.

@VeganMGTOW TFM isn't wrong though, only religious people would disagree with this. Rights don't exist any more than ideas do. They're just an acknowledgement of your strength.

The only thing you can argue a god gave, is life/existence itself, but that is a topic that transcends our knowledge to such an extent that it isn't even worth discussing in any serious manner.

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