@Tfmonkey Here's why you should support feminism. Like vaccines, it culls the very men that enforce the agenda. It's men who give/enforce women's rights. And it's those same men that aren't having kids. It's a problem fixing itself. Also, overpopulation is the source of most issues you talk about. There are no weak men when survival takes work, there is no female empowerment when they spend their time cleaning and cooking.

High population density is the problem and depopulation is the answer.


@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Sweet finally someone really understanding the root cause of Feminism.

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@VeganMGTOW It's easy to blame women, or even Jews, but although they play their roles, we are the ones who enforce the tyranny.

The more abundant a resource is, the less value it holds. People are the same. By living so close to each other and relying on others to perform the most basic of tasks, we've become weak collectivists. There are simply too many men in this world for us to fight. They enforce the laws and trade freedom for safety, only through depopulation can humanity fix itself.

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