I'm starting to agree with you @Scubbie , brics is another type of controlled opposition to create the illusion of choice. Another summit and absolutely no discussion of the only important topic in all their agendas: a new commodity exchange.
They might as well be planning to bail out the west with this new brics money.

@Zeb @Scubbie The current politics are retarded.

Both west and East Intelligence agencies run wild with their interests.

But compare to Russia and China IAs can run wild in east and west compare to US and EU IAs can run wild only in west because current west is weak and open to all.

So we can see that US and EU are mostly owned by china and Israel.

Banks and economy owned by jews and production owned by China.

Because most think are made in China.


@Stahesh @Zeb @Scubbie The NOTICING Is that there isn't countries and their interest. There isn't a country name Russia, There isn't a country name China etc all so called leaders of these so called countries are just actors playing a Role For example everything that Putin Say or do he has to ask to a movie director before Make any move and the same goes to Nathanllahu etc etc

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