I dare the Maga cheerleaders to explain why the same "cAtHeDrAl" that was so desperate to kill Trump and repeatedly employed such public and old-fashioned methods, didn't even try to rig the election this time, conceded like gentlemen and congratulated Trump on his victory.
Saying "the rEgImE isn't a monolith" doesn't cut it. If these people had a shred of humility, they'd admit Trump's assassination attempts were staged, instead of making up more excuses to validate their narrative.
@Based_Accelerationist The victory lap has been incredibly cringe. The only people who should be celebrating are Jews, who have long owned Zion Don. He might put on a show of being Netanyahu's boss, but the middle east situation has just gotten a lot worse.
This is probably the reason they put Trump in office. Biden/Harris lost a lot of cred for backing Israel. With Trump playing bad cop in the middle east, Democrats can pretend to be pro-Palestine again.
@Based_Accelerationist @Mongoliaboo Hope Donald Trump active Operation WarpSpeed 2.0 and finish the Job of increasing humanity IQ.
@VeganMGTOW Let's hope so. vaccinating the Left and drafting all the Trump supporters to the Middle East, would double America's IQ.