Your rights didn't come from God, nor were they granted to you from the government.

Your rights are a formalization of what you are willing to kill and die for.

If you're willing to kill and die for something, no matter how absurd, it will be recognized as a right.

If you're unwilling to kill or die for the rights your ancestors killed and died for, then expect those rights to be taken away from you.

No piece of paper or judge can protect you from your own cowardice and weakness.


@Tfmonkey One can't enjoy "Rights" if one is dead. One is not "Civilized" if one lives by the knife.

One can defeat the Multitudes with "Right Judgements".

@VillainousJack @Tfmonkey the Neo feudal global mafia & government agencies,manipulating humanity,thru censorship and fear,can only,with mass total commitment against immoral transgressions be resisted,they leverage the desires of man for power,so rebelling under the guise of hope,leads to imprisonment or murder for faith in freedom,making no difference in regime control,tell others that are deceived to deny desire of man's nature,they will have no power

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey Power is the lie that Opportunity will last forever.

Freedom is the ability to deny or accept one's capability.

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