@Virtuality I mean, that line sounds like it came from some mushy romance novel. It seems a little insincere/scripted, especially since it was directed at this Nina, who doesn't seem like a very loving woman.

I don't understand why men seek women to "feel loved", unless their mom abandoned them or something. Sure, mothers are supposed to love their kids, but wives are meant to obey and appreciate the husband. Love isn't really part of it, you can't truly love someone who has power over you.

@Based_Accelerationist @Virtuality Women by virtue of their weakness definitely do love things that control them. It's why they worship celebrity status, and the state. It is just that now men have no power over women that they're at large fallen out of love with them. Now one could argue that that envy and want to be a slave to something greater isn't love, but if the things are dumb enough to not be fully sentient then I think it counts.

@FinalDresdonation Even under patriarchy, women don't really love men. TFM says only male love is sacrificial but women who love their children will sacrifice themselves for them. They just aren't designed to love men like that.

Women don't actually love the celebrities themselves, they just love the status/power they have.

There simply is no biological need for women to love men. In nature, only the bigger, more powerful entity needs to love the smaller one, for the relationship to work.

@Based_Accelerationist I do agree. I do think that is as close to 'love' men will get. Much more preferential is true friendship, raising children, and a sort of brotherhood from those things while having an order in the home.

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