I have a game idea, any coders out there want to make it?

@VooDooMedic whats the idea bro? i am a programer but self talk currenty working on c++ unreal engine . right now making open world souls like and arma 3 and space engineers like game . still learning the unreal api . try teaching your self unreal engine blueprints . its way simpler than y ou would think. wat u got in mind for an idea ? i would offer to get started by unreal engine c++ is ravaging my low iq brain and am terrible at commitment.


@dander you ever play a board game called 9 man's Morris? Basically the concept is you have a board that looks like this, each player takes a turn placing one of the nine coloured pieces they each have and when all pieces are placed that is when the game begins, you are able to move into 1 empty space per turn the goal is to make a "Morris" or a grouping of 3 on any of the linked positions it cannot stretch around corners or diagonally but you can move diagonally down the corners of the board

@VooDooMedic this would be very very easy to make even easier if you ddint have to hard code the rules and relied on the other playing knowing the rules.

what am trying to say is it could be as basic as just moving objects into a location and instead of the game deciding who won it would just be the human players agreeing on win conditions . it looks like it works a lot like XOXO

@dander kinda but when you can form a "morris" you're able to take an opponents piece that hasn't yet formed a morris if the opponent does not have any pieces able to be taken i.e they have 2 Morris's you are able to break of of them by taking a piece

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