@VooDooMedic eventually someone will pull the proverbial sword from the stone when it comes to harnessing the energy of disaffected young men
@Smirking @VooDooMedic Honestly, the bigger question is why someone hasn’t yet. To some extent I think Tate (despite how much of a faggot as he is) channeled that to some extent but no one has fully.
@boeswilligkeit @VooDooMedic Tate is still too nigger brained and comfortable to actually galvanize and lead a revolution. The man to do it is likely going nothing to lose and everything to gain
@Smirking @boeswilligkeit @VooDooMedic There's an old saying about a man that holds treasure in one hand can't hold a sword in another.....also Tate is a nigger faggot

@HarryNuggets @boeswilligkeit @Smirking I agree Tate is a nigger, so he can't think of anything more then clout so meh his message is good but 0 real traction other then make money and get out

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