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VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted

was heading over to this chicks house at 7-730 literally strung me along for about 3 hours, not the first time i've been stood up but it's definitely the most recent still stings

"how are you doing?"
me: livinggg theee dreammmmm

VooDoo boosted

@graf @bronze cheers for the both of ya, been ripping my hair out for the last couple of hours trying to figure this shit out <3

@amr are we able to host a mgtow matrix home server? struggling to find a homeserver

VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted

@bronze i think it could be something on my end, australia could have patched something

VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted

@bronze i can't register for your matrix server is there a specific homeserver address?

@Tfmonkey what home server do you recommend other then the ones on because they're all either closed for registration or dead links, did we get attacked?

VooDoo boosted

Does anyone know how to automatically show "sensitive" content without hitting the eye at the top of the post, it's super annoying on the mobile app

I'm upping my gym to twice a day, my testosterone has dropped from 20.0 to 12.4 I refuse to be weak, cortisol was fine, estrogen wasn't being tested but that will be on my next test if I have to fight them for it, any advice from y'all apart from medical injections

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VooDoo boosted
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