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@Tfmonkey gonna be an interesting Wednesday show 😎😎😎 this is gonna be a good one, you watch the viewer numbers

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i'm done with using matrix the shitshow that is homeservers can go fuck itself literally doesn't allow me to connect and force me out of all my sessions then doesn't allow me to decrypt anything

now it's not even connecting to the server, holy fuck i'm so pissed right now

Currently matrix home server is down so anyone trying to reach me through the matrix server ping me here or GiveSendBro DMs

@IAMAL_PHARIUS are you using My server isn't connecting

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VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted

Thinking about making some videos about random topics what are some things you guys would like to hear about?

My response everytime someone brings up something completely fucked and would have had heads rolling if it happened 20 years ago...

You gotta laugh otherwise you'll cry

Mannn I love investing, it feels amazing waking up to money gained commodities really are the place to be

Down another 2kg (96.1kg) we getting it boyos

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.