VooDoo boosted

4.6 2024/09/12 07:28:21 34.070N 118.808W 11.55 7 km ( 5 mi) N of Malibu, CA

Putin and BRIC allies target USA with Earthquake Attack

Stolen from 4chan 0 comments 0 views 20 minutes ago... interestingly specifc anyone know anything

>The ozone hole above Antarctica will keep opening up each spring for decades to come
>here’s why that still matters

>First Nations people are 3 times more likely to die on the road. Here’s how to fix Australia’s transport injustice

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>NSW government to trial average speed cameras for all vehicles in bid to curb state's rising road toll

>Anti-war protestors descend upon Melbourne ahead of weapons expo with police braced for bigger tests to come

>Puberty blockers a 'safe, effective and reversible' form of gender-affirming care, finds review triggered by Westmead Hospital investigation

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.