@Tfmonkey isn't it slightly suspicious that France is rife with riots following Macron's attempt to join the BRICS meeting ?

@Wopu @Tfmonkey No. I've seen people desperately try to connect the two. They're unrelated. Macron is doing what he does publicly, with the full blessing of the rest of the EU. Do they utter a fucking peep of disapproval that Macron wants to infiltrate the meetings? No one says shit. The idea that he wants to "join brics" is something randos seeing the news came up with to explain the lack of information they had about what's going on. He is not betraying NATO. This is all an obvious gay op.

@Wopu @Tfmonkey the riots shit is a result of decades of central planner retards in the EU importing muslims and niggers into their nations en masse. They don't want to integrate. They don't see themselves as part of the west. They're just there to take from the system. Then you have leftist activists who want to fan the flames marxist discontent at every opportunity by helping the rioters.

The central planners aren't god. They had a plan and it's not going smoothly. The west is fucked.


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Yeah my suspicions relied strictly on timing but that's all I could find.

And to my older point, those riots are spontaneous, that's not Antifa or BLM wrecking havoc for a paycheck.

It doesn't mean they can't be exploited for a power grab: this kind of violence is exactly the excuse the gov can use to justify a curfew or hire more police officers.

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