Similar poll except now asking POAST about taking away women's voting rights and if it would increase birth rates or not increase birth rates and 7 days deadline instead of two day deadline


@shortstories I'm not joining POAST to stay updated on the thread.

Give transcript/screenshots or U gay.


Because I spend too much time on online social media. I plan to wait a long time. Then come back and post the results after voting is over.

I do not know if you can see the results by clicking on the link without logging in or creating an account

Sometimes I see the results and sometimes I do not.


5 Surveys Results are in

100% of people who voted on nice crew said they would take women's voting rights away if nobody knew they did it

I did not do the exact math but one person I believe a woman commented

"Who cares about US government spending"

This one woman might account for why it was only 94% instead of 100% on a survey about if government spending would decrease if women's right to vote was taken away

@shortstories @Wopu well that proves once again that the problem isn't that people are stupid, but that they are weak.

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