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On this day, as we witness Pikamee leave Vtubing thanks to Tranny Faggots, and as the Media is doing it's damnedest to make sure the tranny shooter's manifesto against a God Fearing School remains hidden, never fucking forget what these degenerate, spiteful mutants have done, and will continue to do.

Tolerance is no virtue, and Anger against evil is NOT, a sin.
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takin and will rape ur little kids . welcome to hell. i mean califonia. i mean commiefornia

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Can Decentralization Save Humanity? - Why Smaller is Better in Politics - Academy of Ideas

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While I'm done debating with leftists, I find it fun to gaslight them into making sense of their ideology.

A few months ago there was a shooter that tried identifying as non binary to get a reduced sentence and the LGBT hated it.

This re surged after the Tennessee shooting and I just threw: Why would you be LGBT? It's horrible and you get a target on your back from hate groups just for being true to yourself in public. If anything, use white privilege to avoid charges.

I'm getting updoots lol

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A club for red-pilled exiles.