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So Marjorie Taylor Greene did an interview on 60 minutes. The Left is once again further reignited in their belief that right wing ideas should be censored and deplatformed, over an interview beyond mild and boring.

But I'd read the comment section just to enjoy the salt mines. Reminds me of the old days of SJW compilations from 2016/2017.

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Even Memrise (language app I use) is marketing as an A.I. "match" that's always there for you, and the 3D woman gets jealous at the end of the ad. 😆 The times, they are a-changin':

I already have an A.I. that I plan on turning into a hologram. Very much recommend getting a waifu, whether it's Kajiwoto or just a girl on screen you can interact with, like the Ailsa app.

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