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Mind the dolls you buy, lads. Cheap isn't always quality.

Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted

President Milei at WEF and calling out Davos and the consequences of collectivism, socialism.
LOL, dude does a 101 on basic economics.

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Wopu boosted
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Wopu boosted

dear imgui 1.90 released!

resizable child windows, angled table headers, hundreds other fixes & improvements for separators, tooltips, drag and drop, tables, docking, menus, inputtext, fonts, backends, multiselect (wip branch), etc. (RT/boost appreciated 🙏)

Wopu boosted

It’s weird, I don’t know her but I have the feeling that she deserves this
Anonymous 01/15/24(Mon)00:45:56 No.26561663
Absolute trash


I watched a commie video explaining that Timon is a Jew and the meerkats from the Lion King are an allegory of the Jewish people living in the desert while seeking the "promised land" but I was too distracted, cackling like a retard over the fact that the meerkats collectively build T U N N E L S.

Funniest shit ever given the current events.

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Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.