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Is anyone having slowdowns or hangups with the Linux version of Firefox ?

Shit takes 10 seconds to load up while Brave just immediately shows up.

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If you fuck her ass hard enough she might let you go to the bonus round.

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A cryptobro DMed me to ask if I wanted to join his mailing list.

I spent slightly too long making this to send in reply.
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Was doing a quiz on my girl to see how much of my gaming gets stuck on her head, eventually reach the part where I ask her about duke nuken, she literally makes a manly voice and says "eat shit and die" made me laugh so hard

I haven't watched the last TFM show but from what I've seen and heard, Prighozin was dead serious with his attempt to walk into Moscow with the bois and Putin definitely saw him as a threat yesterday.

However, there's no indication he's been bought off by NATO or is planning to overthrow the whole Russian government. His hubris got him doing stupid shit (I mean he is ex prisoner and a mercenary) and now he'll pack up and move out to Belarus. A treacherous act but this didn't warrant his erasure

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Remind me to make a Shadow of War meme once the Wagner Coup ends with a clear Russian victory.

Prighozin won't be wanting the bloody fort soon enough lol

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If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.