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how scav bosses look at me after I cluelessly enter their spawning area thinking this is a normal ass raid
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This art demonstrated that American painters were free to invent, and crucially, offend.
Unlike under tyranny, where "artists are made the slaves and tools of the state," as Eisenhower said.

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@RodrickSage Yes people need to revolt, resist and rebel every attempt of government to take your freedom away.

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"Sergei Munier, a French citizen and commander of the Normandy-Niemen detachment, part of the Russia" - December1991

Subtitles are accurate.

From the description: 'He decided to address the French public by calling to remember the friendship of France and Russia and the fact that the French soldiers that Macron will send to Ukraine do not need to die for the interests of Washington, while the French economy is in complete decline.'

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