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We are unironically going back into the dark ages willingly I hope this time we get some proper magic

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Life, a series of stanky ass farts, you shouldn't trust them but you have to or you will explode, then, inevitably, ya trust the wrong one, it kills you, and then ya shit yourself.
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Likewise it works for other input audio formats including lossless like wav or flac.

If you're still on Windows, here is a filer explorer plugin that does this in one right clic:

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I've been converting the MC and TFM show reddifs from MP3 to 96kbps Ogg vorbis to reduce the file size on my phone and decided to create a whole music repository that is all just Ogg files.

My music folder is 130gb in size and the Ogg only folder is a whopping 51.4gb and sounds just as good!

I recommend the following command on terminal to convert your music if saving space on your phone or media player is a big deal:

ffmpeg -n -stats -i file.mp3 -vn -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 2 file.ogg

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.