It’s tough being a women. Think about how many guys are in that club hitting on her. Oh won’t somebody think of the female plight.

@Pain66 Yet people still tell me that doomsday is coming for women.

It's very sad but that's the harsh reality of being a man.

@basedbagel @Pain66 - It kind of is though...

In the weeks after SHTF, medications will be gone - and all the STDs are gonna manifest. Females over 40, are just a write-off. They're done.

But even perky titted 25yos are gonna be passed over when their lesioned, green pus-filled pussies show up.

Sadly, the young females (pre-teens and below) will probably fare "best". I remember after the Haiti earthquake, people were finding 2yo girls with gonorrhea in their mouth.

@basedbagel @Pain66 - As for males? Well, of course they're fucked. But that's just competition anyway, so fuck'em.

We tried to tell them to prepare, to recognize the nature of their existence, and 87% of them* actively chose to ignore all that. So they get what they get.

If men who are prepared, with a disposition for cooperation, can find one another in the wasteland... those men are worth their weight in gold.

It's Darwinian time!

*citation: percentage number pulled outta my ass

@YoMomz @Pain66

I have no sympathy for normie men after 2020.

"Even perky titted 25yos are gonna be passed over when their lesioned, green pus-filled pussies show up."

I highly doubt this. Look at Ukraine and Venezuela, the men suffered and the women just became whores.

I don't see a world where young women aren't taken care of.

Most of them will be okay as they will flee and find another man to take care of them.

Such is life.


@basedbagel @Pain66 - Not to be combative, but I suspect true SHTF will look much different from Ukraine & Venezuela.

Ukr & Ven is like being poor in America. It sucks - no hygiene, higher risk of death, and generally not fun. But walk around and ask enough, and someone will eventually give you money.

The SHTF I anticipate, is an order of magnitude or two, worse. It's like being poor in Africa... No wait, that's not quite it. 🤔 It's like being poor in Antarctica. Yeah, that's it. 🫡

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@YoMomz @Pain66

If that's the case then we're all dead.

Women will be the least of our worries.

@basedbagel @Pain66 - I have no plans to be dead, good sir. 🫡😄

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