The biggest red pill i ever got was that women can't self-actualize.

I can't even imagine living like that.

How can you appreciate art, literature or architecture?

It still blows my mind


Another thought about this: since women can’t self realize, there’s no sense of working towards. They also don’t conceive of the future, or past. Everything is about the present.

I think this is a part of destructive behavior and policy because there’s no regard for tomorrow or anyone else. It’s all about me, now, always. So there’s no respect for the future or how others will be affected.

It’s just looting whatever you can. It’s everyone’s fault for allowing it.


@southpole21 @basedbagel - Females only having a present... 🤔

Under actual Patriarchy, this trait serves a very useful purpose. When they have full rights, it only results in broken families (and all the problems that come with that).

It's the trait that facilitates mental/emotional submission, when the facts of physical reality dictate it. The flip side being, that females are completely unreliable. But they were never meant to be relied upon.

Cheers. 🍻

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@YoMomz @southpole21 @basedbagel yeah I agree, females don’t have to be useful in society because they’re not expected too. They’re just valued from existing, so when they have power and rights they only do what benefits them, since they’re not the ones that have to build and contribute to a society. Women only care about the present and the down side of that is they’re extremely short sighted and rarely think about long term consequences. While men can anticipate the past, present and future.

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