the American Agoge.

all males most be part of the military but, they are split into two groups.

the Wolves,
men with siblings, each one most serve at least two years minimum, the branch will be majority the men's chose but, sometimes you will be put in a branch

the Guards Dogs.
this will be for the only child, they don't have to serve but, they most take a combat course, and show both drivers ID and a gun ID, and most go to their closes fort to take continues training courses.


@RodrickSage - In modern American warfare, I've heard it takes 7 support troops for every combat soldier.

I wouldn't segregate the only children so starkly. I would just make them non-deployable (or non-combat MOS), if anything.

But as long as we're making women property, I can't say I otherwise object. Though I would plan on a scaled down version, as "America" is too far gone. 🥃

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@YoMomz mmm non-deployable is good too. if every nation is conscripting then, we most someone do something similar.

and the training courses, even if its just weapon handling and safety, will booster the men's moral,

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