@Engineer - all I see is pixels arranged in an unpleasant pattern - not children.
Also, if after a trial, someone is convicted of molesting an actual child, then a simple beheading is fine. The point is to simply be rid of them.
Without a trial, all you're gonna get is a bunch of false-accusers trying to have you settle their scores for them with your chainsaw, head-vise, or whatever new torture method you're pondering.
Food for thought.
@Engineer - fair enough for me. I'll leave the torture to you though. That would be a bunch of graphic memories that I don't need to carry around for the sake of dirt bags. 🍻
@YoMomz Obviously the tools of righteous purging must be reserved until the suspect is a confirmed pedophile. But once confirmed, no hatred is to be reserved, for them they get it all.