
If a underage woman has children with a underage man they would have to lock both of them up in jail or prison and take the children away and give them to someone who is not on welfare to take care of them, Otherwise the person who is underage could keep on having children with other people who are underage if they are not locked in jail. If someone under age has children with someone over age then you could just lock the over age person in jail and force adoption instead of welfare

@shortstories - Sounds overly complicated to me. Speaking hypothetically, I would do things differently.

Prison and welfare are expensive. And forced adoption comes with too many hazards for the adoptees. I would have people keep their kids (so long as those kids aren't abused), regardless of the circumstances of their birth... and the parents can live with the consequences.

To prevent bastard children, I would make females property - first of their fathers, and then of their husbands.


You do not have to officially force adoption. But do not give them any welfare if they choose not to send their children for adoption and to keep them.

If there is no prison or death penalty or fine then you are effectively removing age of consent

If you have age of consent laws you need jails or death penalty

Gov death penalty is bad because they have a history of putting innocent people to death which can not be reversed where as you can release people found innocent from jails.

@shortstories - In a post-collapse world, there's an in-group, and an out-group.

In-group (or "citizens") have many more rights. All official courtship and marriage laws apply to citizens.

There's no welfare, and no prison. There is a death penalty, and corporeal punishment (caning works). Banishment is also a judicial option.

The US criminal court system was developed in pre-industrial times, and is a good model in general - or the best that I can think of in the absence of video.


Death penalty for rape plus false rape accusations is a big problem

People will be found guilty of rape then they find out they are innocent after they are dead

There should be a penalty for falsely accusing a man of rape.

If the man would get the death penalty or a certain amount of time in jail then a woman who falsely accuses him should get the same penalty

Another penalty might be the woman who falsely accuses the man can be enslaved by the man who can sell her as a slave

@shortstories - Ah, that has crossed my mind.

Sexes will be segregated. Women's spaces will be their sewing circle and their home. Men's spaces will pretty much be everywhere else.

If sex occurs in a women's space, it is presumed to be rape. If sex occurs in a men's space, it is presumed to be infidelity.

Rape becomes a property crime, and justice is pursued by a woman's father or husband. That is the aggrieved party. And in cases that go to trial, that's who files the complaint.


@shortstories - infidelity could result in divorce (at the aggrieved man's discretion). In such a case, a woman is cast out... with no welfare, no kids, no house, no affirmative action job, and no future obligation from her now ex-husband. She is cast out with nothing.

If her originally family still loves her, they can take her in, but there's no obligation.

She would probably fall into prostitution. No one's ever eradicating the oldest profession, after all. She will be a sad example.

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