If I ever see or hear the words "you are voting against your interests", my response is this:

So tell me what my interests are.

The person making the initial assertion will either need to know me very well to accurately assess how I should change my voting patterns to align with my interests or they should admit that they do not actually know my interests.

And if they admit this, then how can they state that I am voting against my interests when they do not have knowledge of them?


@houseoftolstoy - When I was younger and had my head up my ass... I used to say this to people. 🤔😅

In hindsight, I did not know their interests. Or more accurately, I didn't understand their values. I didn't comprehend the interconnectedness of things, and it made no sense to me that people might value intangible things more than a dollar. So... Yeah, they probably just have their heads up their asses. 🍻

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