am now 31, what i have seen so far, i better start thinking more about what i eat or, i can end up becoming diabetic real fast, plus diabetes is common in my family.

its funny how when you were in your twenties, your body could take ton of carbs and sugars.

but now am seen a lot of misinformation about, red meat can give you diabetes and that carbs and sugars really don't give you diabetes...

and this is why America is fat, they know its bullshit but, they follow the diet advance from Gov.


@RodrickSage It's pretty easy. Eat what the government says it's bad and avoid what the government says it's good. Not rocket science.

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all intelligent people eat Paleo / Keto / Carnivore

all athletes count calories

you really need to do both

PLUS exercise

the truth is the odds are against you. most of us will become diabetic, especially if it's in your family. if you're telling yourself that half assed effort like not eating bread or not putting sugar in your coffee will be enough to stave it off - you're lying to yourself.

avoiding diabetes as you get older requires a combination of knowledge and discipline - this is why most will fail.
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