
am now 31, what i have seen so far, i better start thinking more about what i eat or, i can end up becoming diabetic real fast, plus diabetes is common in my family.

its funny how when you were in your twenties, your body could take ton of carbs and sugars.

but now am seen a lot of misinformation about, red meat can give you diabetes and that carbs and sugars really don't give you diabetes...

and this is why America is fat, they know its bullshit but, they follow the diet advance from Gov.

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@VeganMGTOW @RodrickSage

You do understand that he pointed out that the MSM is claiming that red meat gives you cancer, makes you fat and gives you diabetes among other negative things but eating sugars and carbs is completely fine.

How retarded do you have to be to believe this stupidity, you probably have to be a vegan

@37712 @RodrickSage Even a broken clock can give the correct Time twice a day in this case MSM Is correct meat, dairy and eggs Is The source of all diseases

@VeganMGTOW @RodrickSage

Yes and climate change is real go eat your bugs you dumb ass malnourished vegan fag

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @RodrickSage natural meat and dairy are the fuel of the Ubermensche,corrupted Kosher meat and Dairy are poison,so yes Vegan bro in a sense your weak diet may let you live in their world but testosterone suppression is slavery,communism is calorie control and your weakness is their goal


Dud I just had a really depressing day yesterday, Just met a guy who works in real state, he owns 4 homes one of them in mexico, guy just bought a tesla, he has made a lot of money selling homes and even though the housing market is down for the last year he still expects to be able to retire at 35, he is 30, I am a few yrs older than him and dont even have a house and work a 9 to 5 job making about 80k a yr and I dont see myself owning a home before he even expects to retire



Guy has not worked since 2020 and has been traveling the world for the past 3 yrs and only recently started working again bc he spent a good chunk of his fuck off savings

He also, some how has been making a shit ton of money in the stok market while the rest of us have been lousing money.

@37712 it is what it is, 2023, the day i stopped paying my debt cuz, i went negative, right now am just trying to stay alive with the basic utility and car payment.

am going to try to invest some cash with my tax return but, am waiting for the EMP to come and destroy the grid.

@VeganMGTOW @RodrickSage @37712

Same I found out that carbs and sugars harm my body

So I mainly try to do
and omnivore where 2/4 meat 1/4 fiber 1/4 carbs

and do not forget to try fasting to repair body

You will need to do some experiments to find out what works for you

vegan diet is unlikely to work when that diet is full of carbs and sugars.

Dr. Paul Mason - 'Logical Fallacies of a Vegan Diet: Why you shouldn't feed your child a vegan diet'

@Stahesh @RodrickSage @37712 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Those Clowns they bring Joy to my world that Is The only reason I watch some of them

Here Is a KIKE talking about them

@VeganMGTOW @RodrickSage @37712

every vegan

1 meat bad and do not follow logic and science

2 ???

3 veganism is good

At least people who eat meat will tell you to try what work for you

But vegans will force you to not eat meat even if it kills you

Vegetarian Diet or Meat-Eater? [Carnivore Diet vs. Vegan Diet] What's Best for You!

@RodrickSage It's pretty easy. Eat what the government says it's bad and avoid what the government says it's good. Not rocket science.

all intelligent people eat Paleo / Keto / Carnivore

all athletes count calories

you really need to do both

PLUS exercise

the truth is the odds are against you. most of us will become diabetic, especially if it's in your family. if you're telling yourself that half assed effort like not eating bread or not putting sugar in your coffee will be enough to stave it off - you're lying to yourself.

avoiding diabetes as you get older requires a combination of knowledge and discipline - this is why most will fail.
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