What are Hegelian dialectics? Problem, reaction, solution
What is Praxis?
The act of transforming reality through dialectics
What it looks like in action:
* Govt creates problem: open the borders to unknown numbers of illegal immigrants
* Govt reaction: "we have to print money to handle the millions of illegals. also we can't identify who they are"
* Prepared solution: Introduce Digital ID to track illegals. Introduce CDBC to solve inflationary effects.
CBDC doesn't solve inflation and cannot do shit against hyperinflation. It's a false belief propagated by people who doesn't understand economics.
Digital ID is the second worst (after gun control) as it literally is the good old soviet iron curtain.
@UncleIroh Agree. It's another tool of control so they can spy and auto tax their slaves.
@Zeb @UncleIroh if the peg it to the invented carbon credit like they want to they will be able to manipulate CBDC if merged World wide with BRIC’s in a truce to stop WWIII,total control and inflation can be altered and dissolved in clean energy policies in the name of their new religion climate change