I'm thinking about upgrading my graphics card and I'm wondering if I should upgrade my motherboard too?

My current setup is an i9-9900k with 62gig ram and a 1080ti.

I wanna upgrade to a 4090


If it's for gaming, not necessary at this moment. The only games that really weigh heavy on the cpu are mostly rts ones.

But, if you have the money and are using multiple hds/monitors, it's never a bad deal.

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@Zeb I'm getting heavy frame loss while playing bdo, not sure where the bottleneck is coming from my only guess is my graphics card since when lowering the graphics settings I get higher frames by about double

It's very likely it's your graphics card but it could be your hard disk too, if it started dropping frames suddenly.
It should be in a ssd and, if you don't have one, try installing it into a different hd.

@VooDooMedic @Zeb

Sometimes it is cheaper to buy a new computer than to upgrade a computer the older the computer the more often this is true

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